2015 National Prayer Training: Contending for Our Divine Inheritance

“…the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” -James 5:16

God has given us many great and mighty promises.These are part of our covenantal divine inheritance. The wickedness growing around us seeks to overtake God’s kingdom and destroy our lives and the lives of our families. But we are intercessors and warriors for the ever-expanding Kingdom of our mighty Heavenly Father!

Click below to listen to the training from our 2015 National Prayer Training.

Friday | October 16th, 2015
Session One: Pastor Michael Obi
Contending for our Divine Inheritance Pt.1 

Session Two: Co-Pastor Susie Owens
 – Stand Fast, Keep Your Ground and Contend Earnestly for the Faith 

Saturday | October 17th, 2015
Session One: Pastor Michael Obi
 – Contending for our Divine Inheritance Pt. 3

Session Two: Elder Lisa Nanches-Jackson
 – Released to Reign

Session Three: Minister Ebele Okafor
 – The Word of God 

* We apologize but some of the teachings sessions are unavailable.