Donate to ASLPN
Your contributions will continue to help facilitate prayer gatherings and the growth of the National structure, thus fulfilling our mandate to pray, intercede, and cry out for the hearts of the people and the nations to be turned back to righteousness. May God richly bless you for standing in the gap.
You can give to our mission with secure online giving using Paypal here:
You can also mail in your gift to:
ASLPN, PO Box 925, Cleveland TN, 37364-0925
Ministry Partners sustain the work of ASLPN through monthly or quarterly pledge payments. Sponsorship opportunities are also available for individuals, churches, organizations and corporations. If you would like more information on becoming a ministry Partner or sponsor please contact us at 877-292-7576 or 281-235-3606. You may also send an Email to ASLPN.
Your gifts and contributions are greatly appreciated. We are moving forward on faith knowing this prayer movement is a labor of love for the Lord. God bless you from ASLPN!
Your financial contribution is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by the Internal Revenue Service. ASLPN is a 501c3 organization.