
On April 26, 2008 in Louisville Kentucky, the Awakening American Alliance through its Executive Director Rev. William (Billy) Wilson invited African Pastors and leaders to join with the American church in crying out to God for Revival in the American Church and a Christ Awakening in the nation.

In response to this invitation, the African Strategic Leadership Prayer Network was formed on April 28, 2008. ASLPN immediately partnered with the Awakening America Alliance by mobilizing the African Leadership to prayer. Since that inception ASLPN has grown this prayer movement through the African and other ministry leaders.

Over the years ASLPN has networked with many Christian prayer ministries both nationally and internationally to gather for prayer for the nation in repentance through public events on the national mall and teleconference prayer led by sacrificial servants of the Lord. Two national prayer gatherings were hosted by ASLPN 2010 at the nation’s capitol and in 2012 at the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool. We also held a sacred assembly in Washington DC in 2014 where believers gathered from around the nation to pray for our country.

We invite you to become part of ASLPN as we continue moving forward to make this the largest prayer network of believers crying out for our nation!